Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy Blogaversary to Me!!

Well, it's been a whole year since I launched this little blog with a post entitled The First Salvo.  In that time, I've switched jobs and moved across five states.  Like virtually anyone who tries to start blogging seriously and consistently, I've seen ups and downs.

Before I say anything else, it would be extremely uncharitable of me not to give credit to some kind fellow bloggers who have helped me along the way:

Adrienne of Adrienne's Corner:  Thanks to my favorite Catholic's kindly placing me on her featured blog list, I picked up 61 additional blog views.  If you want to read somebody who knows what she thinks, and isn't afraid to lay the smack down, visit her blog!

Blue of Blue's Blog:  Speaking of folks who've been kind (or delusional?) enough to support me and even to read my ramblings, I gotta mention Blue.  If ever I'm elected President, I might have to create the office of Secretary of the Second Amendment for this man.  If you're looking for pithy posts, and irreverent patriotic humor, he's you're guy.

Matt at Conservative Hideout 2.0:  One of my more recent blog discoveries, has been the work being done at the Conservative Hideout 2.0.  This is a really well-organized blog that I expect to learn a lot from in the future--both about information presentation, and about how to resist would-be Alinsky assimilation.

The Mises Economics Blog:  If you're a fan of Ron Paul's economic policies, and you've not already discovered the Ludwig von Mises Institute, I STRONGLY recommend you check out this blog.  This is digital think-tank central for Austrian economics.  Though I don't necessarily buy all of the foreign policy positions, or perspectives on Ronald Reagan that some of the authors hold, so what?  I don't even buy all the stuff I read in National Review, and I think it's an awesome publication.  The Mises blog will educate you on economics.  It may make you cheer, or it may make you curse...but it will definitely make you think.

Gateway Pundit: Though it certainly needs no introduction for hardcore conservative bloggers, the Gateway Pundit has been kind enough to direct some attention my way.  If the RSS Ronald Reagan grows to reach one-third the number of folks getting their hope restored by the GP, I'll consider this blog a resounding success.

just a conservative girl: My fellow conservative and erstwhile Herman Cain supporter, the conservative girl,  has been gracious enough to subscribe to the RSS Ronald Reagan.  If your tastes run strongly toward non-establishment conservatives (e.g., Cain, West, Rubio, et al) you'll like JCG's site.  She does  a great job of plugging in video with her posts, and you know what they say about the value of a picture...

The Reaganite Republican:  It should come as little surprise that I'd find common cause with blogging brother RR.   What did surprise me a little, though, was the day I checked my stats and found that one of the Reagan originals was actually following my little ole blog.  If you've been around the conservative blogosphere for long, you've likely heard of his famous Sunday Funnies; If not, Shh!!!  You don't want everybody to know you're some kind of nerd, do you?!

elrok at Finding Freedom:  If you're more a poet at heart, you may enjoy my next illustrious follower's blog.    None of his posts are especially long (great if you've got a short attention span, like me).  If a Tokugawa-era samurai were to write English haikus about freedom, he'd be posting at this site.

Mind-Numbed Robot:  If ever there were a name that didn't match it's this one.  MNR (like many of you) has been waging war on cultural idiocy via the Internet longer than I have.  Few people articulate conservative and libertarian thought on the 'Net with such wit and aplomb.  Heck, if you love MNR as much as I do, you can head over to his shoppe and buy something to advertise your "mind-numbedness."

Deekaman at Wisconsin Tenth Amendment Blog:  Deekaman and I joined the blogosphere around the same time.  Over the past year, he's been on my best commenters. (And, brother, have I appreciated it!)  Though I wish he would post a bit more frequently,  given that he's engaged in a titanic struggle for things like freedom and democracy against some thoroughly corruptocrats up in WI, I guess it's understandable that he can't make a post every day:-)  Seriously, if states' rights and the restoration of constitutional federalism are passions of yours, you need to check out his site.

JMK at Workingclass Conservative:  The WC, like Deekaman, doesn't post daily...but hey, the man is havin' to work for a living. (Not to worry, though, President Obama is working on fixing that:).  Seriously, though, JMK has been kind enough to link my little ole' blog and I extend him my heartiest thanks.  

Stephanie at There's More to Me Than Mommy:  Indeed, there is.  Stephanie is a good writer...and a great writer.  Maybe the best.  Her blog offers you a little bit of politics, humor, mom-tips, crying, theology, and a whole heck of a lot more. 

What will the next year hold for the RSS Ronald Reagan?  Well, my primary intention is to try and focus posts more specifically on Ronald Reagan history.  It occurred to me at one point this year, that there's no much point in me trying to offer daily political commentary on current events when there's already a ton of other folks out there doing that now (and many of them doing a lot better job of it than I do).  That being said, I reserve the right to rant against statism anytime:-)  My hope is to turn this blog into more of a quality historical resource.  If you've come through the public school system, you're all too familiar with the tendency for textbooks these days to celebrate politicians of the Left (e.g., Wilson, FDR, JFK, Clinton, and..I fully expect...Obama) while giving short shrift to guys like Coolidge and Reagan who actually believed that government could do with less on occasion...that it isn't a panacea destined to usher in the Age of Aquarius.   My intention is to improve the organization of things like the "Reagan in the Newspapers" page as well as provide some original historical posts to help supplement the record (or perhaps set it straight) that people are being fed about our 40th president. As always, I'm eager to hear any reader feedback on how the blog might be enhanced.

I don't know that all the above will happen.  I started this blog as a way to take action to try and improve my position in life (e.g., start a small business, develop blogging skills, network with like-minded folks, etc.).  And the past year has seen a massive improvement.  My new job pays about twice as much as the one I  had when the blog started.  (Of course, this means there's less time for blogging--but you'll hear no complaining from me!) Additionally, I'm getting more involved with my local Tea Party group, and have been asked to consider running for the Vice Chairmanship position.  (I'd appreciate your prayers for wisdom in that regard).

In closing, let me say again, "Thanks for a wonderful year!"

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